As part of a web design course, Steven was tasked with creating a website for an outdoor or sports brand. He developed Dyenama Outdoors, focusing on responsive design to ensure an optimal user experience across mobile and desktop devices.
For a class project, Steven was prompted to design a prototype for a food kiosk, similar to those found in Sheetz. He chose to develop a healthcare-focused food ordering system, organizing menu selections based on dietary needs. Inspired by medical technology, the system was designed with a clean, intuitive interface and was prototyped in Adobe XD.
In a web design project centered around restaurant websites, Steven created a concept for a sports bar, considering the possibility of working in Pittsburgh’s market. A key feature of the site is a trading card-style gallery, where each player’s card showcases their favorite drink, adding an engaging and interactive element to the design.
During his late high school years, Steven led the redesign of his school district’s website, rebuilding it from the ground up. This was one of his first major web design projects, and the district continues to use the site today.